Top Warlock Builds for Ultimate Power

Undoubtedly one of the most versatile classes in Destiny 2, Warlocks can be tailored to a variety of playstyles and preferences. Whether you’re aiming to dominate the Crucible, master PvE content, or support your Fireteam, the perfect Warlock build can elevate your gameplay profoundly. In this blog post, we’ll delve into two of the best Warlock builds: the Prismatic Build featuring the Mantle of Battle Harmony, and the Solar Build known as Speaker’s Sight. Each section will cover the optimal abilities, aspects, fragments, weapons, exotics, armor mods, stat priorities, and strategic uses for these builds. By the end of this read, you’ll have a clearer perspective on how to maximize your Warlock’s potential in Destiny 2.

Best Destiny 2 Warlock Prismatic Build: Mantle of Battle Harmony

Destiny 2 Warlock Prismatic Build: Abilities, Aspects & Fragments

The Prismatic Build with the Mantle of Battle Harmony capitalizes on elemental synergies and ability uptime to create an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Focus on using Middle Tree Dawnblade for the Well of Radiance super ability, which provides both offensive and defensive options. Equip Celestial Fire for your melee ability, and Healing Rift to sustain your fireteam. For aspects, utilize Heat Rises to extend airborne combat efficacy and Icarus Dash for enhanced mobility. Complement these with fragments like Focusing Lens to amplify your damage output on combatants affected by light-based abilities from teammates, and Ember of Ashes to apply more scorch stacks to your enemies.

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Prismatic Warlock Weapons and Exotic

Pairing the Mantle of Battle Harmony with elemental weapons, especially those that match your subclass, is crucial. Equip Telesto for its void damage and ability to synergize with your abilities. For kinetic options, consider the Peacebond sidearm to keep a consistent source of damage. The Mantle of Battle Harmony exotic itself boosts your super regeneration when getting kills with matching elemental weapons, making it a cornerstone of this build. Other solid picks include Fighting Lion or Jötunn for their versatility in matching elements and dealing significant damage.

Prismatic Warlock Armor Mods

When it comes to armor mods, you’ll want to focus on maximizing your ability uptime. Mods like Charged with Light and Elemental Wells work exceptionally well here. Use the Energy Converter mod to give yourself additional super energy when you are charged with light and throw a grenade. Pair these with Ashes to Assets for bonus super energy on grenade kills and Innervation for reducing grenade cooldown when picking up Orbs of Power. Finally, slot in some damage resistance mods that align with your playstyle and potential threats.

Prismatic Warlock Stat Priority

Prioritize intellect to increase the frequency of your super, leveraging the benefits from Mantle of Battle Harmony to their full extent. Follow this with resilience for general survivability and recovery for quicker healing. Discipline is another vital stat, reducing the cooldown on your grenades and allowing more consistent spam of Celestial Fire, thereby synergizing with your mods and aspects.

Destiny 2 Prismatic Warlock Build: How to use Mantle of Battle Harmony

The key to this build is to continually cycle your abilities, making sure to get kills with your matching elemental weapons to boost your super regeneration. Make a habit of using your Healing Rift to stay alive during confrontations and use Well of Radiance strategically to give your team both an offensive and defensive edge. In conjunction, utilize Heat Rises to keep aerial supremacy and dodge out of harm’s way with Icarus Dash. This combination maximizes your mobility and durability, allowing you to maintain pressure on the enemy.

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Best Destiny 2 Warlock Solar Build: Speaker’s Sight

Destiny 2 Warlock Solar Build: Abilities, Aspects & Fragments

The Speaker’s Sight build focuses on the power of Solar abilities to incinerate foes and empower your team. Use the Bottom Tree Dawnblade for enhanced melee capabilities. Select Incendiary Grenade for the immense burst damage and Phoenix Dive to quickly reposition and heal. For aspects, opt for Icarus Dash and Heat Rises. These aspects will serve well for a highly mobile and aggressive combat style. Fragments like Ember of Beams to make your Solar Supers more effective and Ember of Torches to empower your melee attacks are crucial additions.

Solar Warlock Weapons and Exotic

Equip weapons that complement your Solar abilities, such as the exotic fusion rifle Telesto. For kinetic, Chroma Rush or Ikelos SMG can provide consistent damage with the high rate of fire. The exotic chest piece Starfire Protocol is indispensable for this Solar build. It grants an additional fusion grenade charge and recharges both grenades when empowered weapon damage is inflicted, making it a powerhouse for damage output and grenade regen.

Solar Warlock Armor Mods

To maximize Speaker’s Sight, utilize armor mods like Ashes to Assets for enhanced super regen from grenade kills and Well of Life to regenerate health when picking up elemental wells. Incinerating Light mod can make you charged with light when getting Solar ability kills, thus pairing it with Supercharged mod, which allows you to hold more stacks of charged with light, can be essential to enhance survivability and damage output.

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Solar Warlock Stat Priority

Intellect remains a priority, as the faster you can deploy your Daybreak super, the more effective you’ll be. Incorporate high discipline to keep the grenades flowing and recovery to make sure any damage taken is quickly remedied. Moderate strength can help boost your melee attacks, especially when they are empowered and essential for your gameplay loop.

Destiny 2 Solar Warlock Build: How to use Speaker’s Sight

The crux of this build is to aggressively leverage your Solar abilities, particularly grenades. Use your Phoenix Dive to keep repositioning and healing, allowing you to stay in the thick of battle. Your exotic chest armor, Starfire Protocol, will continuously feed into your abilities. With this build, you’re always riding the fine line between aggression and survival, making each Solar ability use count and chain together seamlessly.


Destiny 2 Warlocks Actually Stoked with Final Shape Nerfs for Hilarious Reason

Warlocks have always been highly versatile and adaptive in their playstyles. With the upcoming “Final Shape” expanses, changes are inevitable. However, Warlocks may find amusing benefits in the nerfs due to their unique ability interactions and adaptability with other subclasses.

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About The Author

Lucas Martin is a 23-year-old journalism and communications graduate with experience in local media and a passion for creative writing. His interests in travel, technology, and innovation inform his engaging, dynamic content. With strong research skills and an eye for detail, Lucas aims to inform and entertain readers while honing his SEO writing abilities.

Warlock Build Key Abilities Recommended Exotic Ideal Weapons
Prismatic Celestial Fire, Healing Rift, Well of Radiance Mantle of Battle Harmony Telesto, Peacebond
Solar Incendiary Grenade, Phoenix Dive, Daybreak Starfire Protocol Telesto, Chroma Rush

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