In the ever-evolving world of Civilization VI, picking the perfect pantheon can give your civilization a significant advantage. Whether you’re drawn to ancient gods of war or enigmatic river deities, your choice can shape your strategy and affect the game’s outcome. This blog post delves into the mystical and strategic aspects of Civilization VI’s pantheons. We’ll explore the game’s best and worst pantheons, providing insight into what makes each one powerful—or less so. Plus, we’ll offer a handy guide in French—“Quel panthéon choisir?”—to help our francophone readers make an informed choice. Read on to discover which divine path you should follow!
Fire goddess to god of war, which pantheon would you have followed?
Choosing a pantheon in Civilization VI is more than just a thematic decision; it’s a strategic one that can significantly affect your gameplay. The choice ranges from boosting your city’s growth to providing military advantages. Pantheons are the earliest form of religion, chosen at the beginning of the game, and they serve as the foundation for future religious development. Some players are drawn to pantheons like the Fire Goddess, which provides extra faith when nearby volcanoes erupt, embracing the randomness of volcanic activity. Others may opt for the God of War, leveraging combat bonuses to strengthen their early-game military campaigns. These decisions set the tone for the rest of the game, influencing city development, resource collecting, and military strategies. Let’s dive deeper into the best and worst pantheons to give you a well-rounded understanding of your options.
Five Worst Civ 6 Pantheons
Not all pantheons are created equal; some simply don’t offer the kind of benefits that translate well into long-term success. Here are five pantheons that, while interesting, often fall short in providing substantial advantages. 1. God of Craftsmen : The God of Craftsmen pantheon offers +1 production and +1 faith from mines over strategic resources. While this may sound enticing at first, the bonuses are situational and depend heavily on the map. Not every start location will have a bounty of strategic resources to exploit, limiting its usefulness. 2. God of the Open Sky : Offering +1 culture from pastures, the God of the Open Sky pantheon can be somewhat underwhelming. While culture boosts are helpful, pastures are not as abundant or impactful as other tile improvements. Consequently, its benefits may seem lackluster compared to other options available. 3. Goddess of the Hunt : Providing +1 food and +1 production from camps, the Goddess of the Hunt is another pantheon that falls into the category of “situationally useful.” The bonuses can be advantageous in select starting locations, but more often than not, players will find it challenging to exploit camps to their full potential. 4. God of Healing : This pantheon grants extra healing to units within the holy site district. While the concept is intriguing for military-focused civilizations, the actual in-game benefit is minimal. Units often heal quickly enough on their own, making this pantheon’s impact hardly noticeable. 5. Lady of the Reeds and Marshes : Offering +2 production from marsh, oasis, and floodplain tiles, this pantheon may sound useful. However, the tiles it benefits are quite rare, making it situational at best. The limited availability of these tiles across most maps makes this pantheon less formidable.
Five Best Civ 6 Pantheons
Just as there are underperforming pantheons, there are also those that can offer significant advantages, accelerating your path to victory. Here are five of the best pantheons in Civilization VI. 1. Earth Goddess : One of the most universally beneficial pantheons, the Earth Goddess grants +1 faith from tiles with breathtaking appeal. Most players will find ample breathtaking tiles scattered throughout their empire, providing a consistent and reliable source of faith. 2. Dance of the Aurora : For civilizations starting near tundra, the Dance of the Aurora pantheon is invaluable. It grants +1 faith from adjacency bonuses for holy sites in tundra tiles, enabling an early and rapid faith accumulation that can be parlayed into religious or cultural victories. 3. Religious Idols : This pantheon provides +2 faith from mines over luxury and bonus resources. Given the prevalence of these types of resources, this pantheon can offer a steady and reliable boost to faith, augmenting your civilization’s religious capabilities considerably. 4. Divine Spark : A solid choice for mentally focused players, the Divine Spark grants +1 Great Person point from campuses, theater squares, and holy sites. This pantheon accelerates your acquisition of Great People, giving you access to powerful and unique bonuses that can shape your civilization’s trajectory. 5. Monument to the Gods : An excellent choice for players with a focus on early game dominance, Monument to the Gods provides a 15% production boost to ancient and classical wonders. This can allow you to snag some of the game’s most impactful wonders early on, giving you a significant leg up in culture, religion, or military prowess.
Guide : Quel panthéon choisir?
Choosing the right pantheon in Civilization VI can be a daunting task, especially for new players. Here, we offer a comprehensive French-language guide to help streamline your decision process. Incarnation de la Déesse de la Terre : Sans doute l’un des panthéons les plus bénéfiques, Déesse de la Terre offre +1 foi pour les cases de beauté éblouissante. Peu importe où vous commencez, vous trouverez généralement des cases de grande beauté à exploiter. Danse de l’Aurore : Pour les civilisations près de la toundra, ce panthéon est inestimable. Bénéficiant de +1 foi grâce aux bonus d’adjacence pour les sites sacrés en toundra, il permet une accumulation rapide de foi dès le début. Étincelle Divine : Idéal pour les joueurs centrés sur les aspects intellectuels, Étincelle Divine accorde +1 point de Grand Personnage aux campus, places de théâtre, et sites sacrés, accélérant l’obtention de bonus puissants et uniques. Monument aux Dieux : Parfait pour les joueurs axés sur la domination en début de partie, ce panthéon fournit un bonus de production de 15 % pour les merveilles antiques et classiques, vous permettant ainsi de prendre une avance considérable dans divers domaines. Idoles religieuses : Acquérant +2 foi pour les mines de ressources de luxe et de bonus, ce panthéon assure un flux régulier de foi grâce à la prévalence de ces ressources, augmentant considérablement les capacités religieuses.
Pantheon | Strengths | Weaknesses |
God of Craftsmen | +1 production and +1 faith from mines over strategic resources | Depends on map; variability makes it unreliable |
God of the Open Sky | +1 culture from pastures | Pastures not abundant or impactful |
Goddess of the Hunt | +1 food and +1 production from camps | Situationally useful; fewer camps |
God of Healing | Extra healing near holy sites | Minimal actual in-game benefit |
Lady of the Reeds and Marshes | +2 production from marsh, oasis, and floodplain tiles | Benefiting tiles are rare |
Earth Goddess | +1 faith from breathtaking appeal tiles | None; universally beneficial |
Dance of the Aurora | +1 faith for holy sites in tundra tiles | Best for tundra starts only |
Religious Idols | +2 faith from mines over luxury and bonus resources | None; highly consistent |
Divine Spark | +1 Great Person point from campuses, theater squares, and holy sites | None; accelerates acquisition of Great People |
Monument to the Gods | 15% production boost to ancient and classical wonders | Focused on early game only |
By understanding the nuanced benefits and drawbacks of each pantheon, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your strategy. Happy conquering!